PK’S Bar & Grill
If you’re a local to Blacksburg, Virginia, you’re no stranger to PK’s Bar and Grill. Celebrating over 30 years on Virginia Tech stomping grounds, PK’s is a familiar favorite for wings, pizza and spirits. This downtown restaurant has been the cultivator of many memories since 1992 – and to celebrate this, PK’s aligned with us for a website refresh supported by ongoing marketing of the revamped brand.
Web Design
When getting started with the website refresh, we took stock of primary selling points for the brand – their fun, lively environment and tasty food! We knew that this would be best represented by personal photography, so we kicked off the project with a photoshoot. Through this photoshoot we were able to capture the nostalgia that comes with PKs, while highlighting the food and fun that locals gravitate towards. We then incorporated these photos into the website, alongside supplemental branding that reflects the brand itself.
Upon completion of the website refresh we kickstarted our marketing efforts via social media and email campaigns. With ample content derived from the photoshoot, we were able to reflect the brand across multiple platforms to distinguish their reputation and showcase PK’s offerings. As a result, their social media presence grew, attracting more visitors to the website and amplifying their digital presence. To support this, we used email campaigns as a tool for extending their voice and increasing awareness surrounding their events, food, specials and promotions.